Thursday, October 2, 2008

4:24pm, Thursday, October 2, 2008

This is the longest day in the history of the world.

i apologize for my noticeable (or not) absence from the blogging world. m.e. demanded more entries. i have been feeling a bit uninspired as of late, so i'm sorry if this isn't as hilarious as you all know i am capable of being. when i say "you all" i mean both of you, m.e. and megan.
when it rains it pours and when it pains it roars and all of the above appear to be happening to me all at the same time. with the exception of course of actual rain which would be welcomed with open arms because i'm tired of discovering new places on my body that accumulate sweat during a 45 minute lunch break to target. anyway, there's a lot of shit going down. and no, i won't get into it. if you're close enough to me, you know, and if you don't know, i haven't told you for a reason. most likely just to spare you. you can thank me later.

so, i'm alive. i'm stuck here in this office for another 30 minutes and after completing 4 "easy" sudoku puzzles in 45 minutes (shut up) i've decided to pay the cleverly named blog site a visit.
i'm listening to 60's hippie rock on pandora and i'm not ashamed. and i've eaten a bag and a half of gummy bears since 10am. and not much else. goldfish crackers. i love goldfish crackers. i've been craving a corn dog for an upwards of 3 weeks now. there are apparently some in the cleary's freezer, but driving to encinitas for a corn dog might make me look fat.

i haven't done any actual work today, which is not so good because i have deadlines from last week that i still haven't met. considering burning this mother down, damning the man, and setting my bra ablaze just to prove a point. screw you, job.

funny texts from drunk friends:

"i miss you misry w. can i meet up with the lyrics?"

"if u come to the damce party i'll buy you tacos at the jackn th e box"

"i'm at ra by myself wasted as fuk! i got2 go home. i'l call a cab, fuck cabs i'll walk i'm mexican. fuk san dieg! i'm mexican!"

"if u give me whiskey imma bang her out but u gotta give her a ride home stupid"

"man up dickbag dr. weber gave me more vicodin he's shexy. i have to poo"

i love my friends.

i'm sneaking out early. it's 4:43pm and i can't take anymore.
i promise i won't be a stranger.


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