Thursday, August 21, 2008

rats on snack attack

1. 1 Special K peaches and something breakfast bar
2. giant tupperware container of crackers and cheese
3. 2 cups of decaf (i kicked caffeine exactly 15 days ago. it's going really well except for that part where i can't stay awake at work and i twitch a lot.)
4. 1/2 package of Ballerina cookies that i bought at ikea (see yesterday's post)
5. 1 slice of pepperoni pizza - cold - out of my fridge
6. 1 bag of Kellog's Fruity Snacks, not to be confused with the OG Fruit Snacks, which were actually much more delicious.
7. 1 cup of regular coffee (screw you. i'm weak.)
8. 2 Otter Pops
9. 1 small salad leftover from lunch meeting
10. 1/2 of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
11. 1/3 container of Dibs that i stole from someone out of the work freezer
12. 1 Pepsi
13. 1 more slice of pizza - also leftover from the work meeting
14. remainder of the Ballerina cookies

it is now 2:30 and i can't sit upright in my chair. i'm also wondering if i should eat the other half of the pb&j, or save it for my inevitable 3pm fix. hmm.

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